Did you know that attending this program means you can share your back to school Amazon Wishlist with us and we will buy you some of the items on your list!
How do you make an Amazon Wishlist?
Step 1) Go to your Amazon account
Step 2) Highlight the “Account and Lists” dropdown menu and click on “Create a list”
Step 3) Name your List “Name’s Back to School Wishlist”
Step 4) Add items to your list (See below for ideas!)
Step 5) Click the “Send List to Others” and select *“View and Edit” to get the link. Share the link with us when you join us August 10th. (There will be a space for the link on the registration page day of.)
Item ideas:
Lunch Boxes
and More!
*We reserve the right to edit items on the list or remove items based on what is currently available and what we consider a reasonable request. Please understand that some items may be switched out as needed.